NCC_AR_2013 - page 36-37

Total number of
properties secured:
Acres (hectares) secured: 2
,229 (902)
Land value:
Number of stewardship
“By donating this family legacy
to the care of the Nature Con-
servancy of Canada, these lands
have been returned to the
wind, the sun and the sea. The
natural bounty that yielded to
the determination and hard
work of several generations of
farmers, fishermen and entre-
preneurs that called these rough
shores of the Bay of Chaleur
and the Gulf of St. Lawrence
home will once again thrive for
future generations to appreciate
and experience.”
Saint John River
Photo by NCC
GWEN Mcconkey
(In reference to Windsor-Harper Nature
Preserve, Miscou Island, New Brunswick)
land securement
july 1, 2012–June 30, 2013
The completion of 13 securement projects in the province, with six of those in the northeast
region of New Brunswick. NCC’s outreach with landowners in the
n recent
years has had significant results.
Updating the Natural Area Conservation Plan for the Acadian Peninsula with approval by the
Regional and National boards. This area contains eight
ites as well as a
and 20 species at risk. These five-year plans
provide direction for NCC’s conservation work in each natural area.
NCC’s efforts to protect private lands in a wilderness corridor on both sides of the
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia border captured worldwide attention last year. The
eceived significant media coverage across Canada and around
the world. The properties located along the Chignecto Isthmus are crucial to main-
taining a connected landscape for large mammals such as endangered lynx and
moose (which are endangered in mainland Nova Scotia, but secure in New Brunswick).
Other accomplishments in this province last year included: